Chandler itself is a narrow two lane road; one lane going in each direction, with cars normally parked along the side opposite the bikepath. The parked cars allowed for very little room on the street for passing motorists. When a large truck is parked sometimes it may stick out far enough that one will have to swerve into the oncoming lane to pass. Luckily, this road is usually fairly empty. I drive it often and rarely have problems manuevering.
And then come the STUPID PEOPLE.
So, I’m on my merry way to wherever, chugging down Chandler Boulevard, enjoying the day and watching a hot chick jog on the path beside me when all of a sudden I’m forced to slow down to a near crawl because there’s a guy riding his bike down the middle of my lane. WHAT?!?! Why is he doing this? Doesn’t he see that there’s a bike path RIGHT THERE?!?! It’s scant feet away from him and virtually empty beside the hot running girl.
I can’t for the life of me imagine what must be going through this idiots head. I wait for a car to pass going the other way and then I pull around him while rolling down my window and I inform him (in case he didn’t know) in a voice well above a yell (I am driving by and need to be heard), “There’s a bike path RIGHT THERE!”
He simply gives me the finger and continues pedaling on without even glancing in my direction. Now why would he do that? Is he angry with me? What did I do wrong? What am I missing here? Am I not seeing clearly? Am I at fault? Is this person NOT stupid? And this isn’t an isolated incident! This has happened multiple times.
Now, I’ve wracked my brain trying to figure out what the logic may possibly be behind this course of action and I can’t think of a single thing. Can any of my nonexistant readers supply some ideas cause I’m totally at a loss. However, I do know that if there weren’t laws against killing people (even stupid people, we’re not supposed to kill them either… Really) the next time I come across one of these assholes I’d plow my car right through him and continue on my merry way while keeping my eyes glued to the hot chick jogging safely on the bike path fifteen feet away. Ya think she’d give me her number if I asked?

Comments are also MOST WELCOME
you are so right on and so funny.