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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One Of The Many Reasons I Hate TV And Those Who Watch It #1

An acquaintance of a pal recently compared Cupcake Wars favorably to one of my favorite shows, Good Eats (which she hated). I don’t get offended easily my friends, but that statement really punched me in the gut. Let me preface by admitting that I watch practically zero TV because I feel that 99% of programming is made to lull a public full of sheep into a stupor of stupidity. However, one of the few good ones out there is Good Eats, which gives the viewer the science behind cooking in a fun, comedic, and sometimes fascinating way. Now, ok, I’ve never seen Cupcake Wars, but come on. THEY MAKE CUPCAKES… Show after show after show after show! In fact, any cooking show that is made into a competition is ridiculous to me. Cooking, is subjective! There is no one right answer. These idiotic self-important judges have the final say. I don’t care how long you’ve been a food critic or a cook/chef/baker, just because you like or dislike the taste or presentation of a meal/dessert doesn’t make it good or bad. I might love something that you hate. It doesn’t make either one of us right, wrong, or a better judge. It’s actually the same for any and all of those pointless game shows that judge dancing, or singing, or anything. AND YOU FUCKING MORONS EAT IT UP!!!

Ok, happy to have that off my chest. Please continue normal programming…

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  1. I love Good Eats! Alton Brown is a god. :D
    Just hearing the name "Good Eats" has the theme music playing in my head, haha.

    There are some rather awesome TV shows out now. You should try a few. :)
    It's really the golden age of TV, to me.
    Recently we've had:

    Battlestar Galactica (ending was terrible, the rest was wonderful!)
    The Mentalist (not amazing but solidly good)
    True Blood (Yeah, cheezy good fun - and I like the parallels it draws between the show's vampires and real life gay people, especially in the first season)
    The new Doctor Who (starting with Eccleston)
    Torchwood (can be silly at times but can also get fairly deep when it wants)
    Terminator TSCC (SO sad it's gone!)
    Pushing Daisies (even more sad that this one is gone. It was brilliant)
    Jekyll (Kick ass mini series, definitely watch this one!)
    Arrested Development
    Firefly (Ok, not recent but still the best TV show ever created)

    I think there is more room in television now for variety and with that, you can really get some smart programming. :)

  2. Thanks for the recommendations, Nikki! (and following my blog)

    I really need to try some of those out. I've heard about a few you mentioned from other friends with good taste too.

    My biggest problem is simply committing the time. If I do end up watching any of those it'll probably be on DVD.

  3. Yeah, we Netfix'd a lot of them. We don't have cable so we normally just download stuff and watch when we are ready. :)
