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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Holiday Decorations... Bah Humbug!

Ah, the holidays! Festive Food. Presents. Parties. Presents. NBA. College Football. Presents. School Vacations. Days off work. Presents. Family. Friends. Presents. Religion (for some). Presents. Snow (for some). Holiday Songs. Good will to all (for some). And let's not forget... Presents! Oh yeah, and DECORATIONS.

And so, as has become popular in recent years (I swear it did not exist when I was young) we have a debate on what sort of decorations, if any, we're ALLOWED to display.

Obviously this discussion is tied up around religious beliefs (as many ridiculous topics are). So, let's get this out of the way to start. According to Wikipedia I am what's considered an AGNOSTIC ATHEIST. This is different from a straight Atheist, straight Agnostic, or any of the gajillions of sub denominations that occur out there. On a side note, I just discovered this about myself fairly recently. By which I mean that I've known for a long time this is how I felt, but never realized there was an actual term that identified it so clearly. I love Wikipedia! OK, for those who don't know what this means or are too lazy to look it up here's the websites' definition: The view of those who do not believe in the existence of any deity, but do not claim to know if a deity does or does not exist.

On the other hand I thoroughly identify CULTURALLY as Jewish. It's how I was brought up and though I disregard the religious aspects, it is an important part of my life. Now you say I can't possibly reconcile those two ideas. How can I answer that? Hmmm. Oh yeah: Fuck off! I will not live by your weird rules and parameters so don't try to force me.

So, as an Agnostic Atheistic Jew what are my thoughts on holiday decorations? I imagine you're just dying to know.

Well here it is: Decorate as you please! Anywhere! Anything! Anyhow! I don't care. I love decorations. Any decorations. None offend me in any way. If you choose to have Satanic style decorations at your place, I think that is just freaking awesome! I would pay to see a plastic display of baby Satan in a manger surrounded by orgiastic animals engaging in blood sacrifice while three fire breathing demons reenacted the giving of gold, frankenstein, and mud (as long as it was all completely safe and the flames from the fire breathing demons aimed to the sky without any possibility of damage or injury).

And furthermore I don't care if this is staged at a house, school, church, government center, park, or mall (again, as long as it is all completely safe).

The idea that anyone takes issue with holiday decorations be they public or private is simply beyond my comprehension.

What I'm reading is that Christians feel they should be able to put up extremely religious based decorations basically anywhere they please because "America is a Christian nation at heart".

Non Christian religionists feel offended because they're having Christmas "Rammed down their throats and slighted because no one ever puts out their religious ornamentations".

Non-Religionists are threatened by the religious aspects that they feel are dangerous as well as the feeling that "Public places such as Schools, Parks, or Government Buildings should fall under separation of church and state".

I think I've covered all the angles. And because groups of people left without guidance can almost never come to an intelligent conclusion I often read stories about places where the people have decided that there will be no decorations of any kind so as not to offend anyone. There's always follow ups to this that mentions the Christians feel like Christmas is being taken away from them (usually by evil Jews or Muslims (shiver)).

Ya'll are just crazy!

Anyone should be free to decorate his or her private place however he or she wants (as long as it's not PHYSICALLY dangerous). I'm fairly certain there's something in our constitution that decrees this. If you don't want yourself or your family to see it, then don't look.

Ok, but what about public areas? Places we all HAVE to go? Why should we be forced to see these vile ornamental props when we're out and about since a baby jesus or a dressed up tree offends some to their very core? Why should we be forced to put up silver and blue crap when we only want to see green and red crap and GOD FORBID someone make us look at whatever crap it is that those Kwanzaa people use to celebrate their heathen religion!?!?

Well, I'll tell you: It's because America is a melting pot that promotes Freedom of Religion and Expression! I honestly feel that if you have a community of all Christians and they decorate their entire city to celebrate Christmas, this should be completely fine and it's none of your freaking business if you don't live there! However, if they have one African who wants to have Kwanzaa decorations, the city should do it's best to accommodate him. Period. Thus, any public spot that has one style should have both. Or more if there is a more diverse community and those members request it. And why not? Is there truly no room to celebrate all these holidays publicly?

And if non-religionists have a problem with this, I feel it's simply too bad for them. If they live in a town where EVERYONE wants no decorations in public spots, then so be it! Otherwise I think they need to get over it.

I grew up in a very multi-ethnic community. I always felt accepted (religiously speaking), but I do recall as a youngster only very rarely ever seeing Hanukkah decorations outside of personal abodes. It simply didn't bother me. In fact, I never thought about it at all. My house was always decorated Jewishly (if that' a word) and it was fine by me. Look, if I was truly upset by this, then as an adult I would have worked toward making sure there were Hanukkah decorations displayed around my city every year along with the Christmas ones. And believe me, it could have been done. There was (and is) a HUGE Jewish population where I grew up in South Florida. If you feel the need to do this, fine. It simply didn't matter to me and still doesn't.

Seeing Christmas, or Kwanzaa, or Festivus, or (I don't know) Ramadan decorations does not offend or threaten me. I never feel they're being rammed down my throat, belittling my own beliefs, or causing myself or my children (if I had children) to be confused about religion in any way.

I'm guessing this is because 1. I'm an incredibly well adjusted person and 2. I'm very confident in who I am and in my beliefs. If someone tells me their religion is better than mine I don't take them at face value or feel threatened. I can make educated decisions for myself and if my children have any questions arising from holiday decorations I feel perfectly competent to be able to discuss these rationally with them so they too will be able to only feel joy at seeing them.... As I do.

Because in the end, that's what they're for. Oh sure, some people are truly moved by the religious aspects of holiday decorations and that's awesome. They should be if they want. While others should be able to enjoy them simply for the beauty or joyful feelings seeing them brings. If for some reason a particular decoration doesn't bring you happiness, perhaps you should figure out why. Maybe it's you who has an issue and not the decoration. Or maybe you can simply ignore that particular spot and check out some others. If all decorations upset you... You're the fucking Grinch, go slink off to a cave with your dog until Christmas is over. (On second thought, don't take your dog, he probably likes the decorations).

Either way, I sincerely wish, for everyone out there in the world to be able to enjoy ALL the decorations and have a HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!

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